Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

So... I really make this blog...

Hello! This is only the opening of my english one blog...

So, I have had a blog: but it's in Indonesian language. And, i will translate it to english with this blog. Well, I hope my grammar doesn't ruin your mood to see my blog.

Oke, I think i will introduce myself and the reason why i make this blog and that one blog.

My name is Seika Koizumi, 14 y.o. I'm from Indonesia and of course speak/write with Indonesian language. But I make this blog to make my other country visitor(s) enjoy my blog, and don't have to translate it in google translate. (and-you-know-how-it-works)

In other blog, I posted my own story or you can say fanfic(s). There are some that include my Original Character, or there are some that include the characters or maybe the plot of anime that I like. So, yeah, this is my own fanfic site www--

Why I don't post my fanfic to the other fanfic site? well... the reason is...

I'm afraid. Well, I don't have any courage of my fanfic.

I have been reading the other people fanfic for.. maybe 5 years or 4 years? but everytime I want to make account in that fanfic site.... I just.... afraid my fanfic is not good enough to be post in that site.

So, this is kind of brave movement (?) from me to make this fanfic blog and the translation blog.

I'm still a newbie, and I don't clearly understand about make an excellent fanfic or story. I need your help to improve. Please read my story and comment if there are any mistakes. Oh, and please, comment if there are any grammar mistakes. Thanks. Thank you very much :)


Seika Koizumi

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